The usage of credit cards is becoming highly attached to
peoples’ daily lifestyles and credit cards have a greater impact on busy
peoples’ rapidly changing lifestyles. In Sri Lanka the usage is still low
compared to other countries such as Korea, UK, US and Singapore. There is still
capacity to increase the usage of credit cards and there must be factors which
influence the usage of credit cards, thus, identifying factors which influence
the credit card usage among Sri Lankan working adults are of greater extent.
Therefore, this paper focuses on reviewing the literature focusing on the
factors influencing the credit card usage which result in the intention to use
credit cards. The paper examines the factors: Perceived Ease of Use, Perceived
Usefulness, Age, Gender, Monthly Income, Personal Financial Knowledge, Personal
Attitude and Educational Level. The factors were constructed in relation to the
Technology Acceptance Model, the Theory of Planned Behavior and several other
factors from the literature. The main research strategy used was the literature
review with some attention given to practices based on Sri Lankan context.
Paper discusses different scenarios guiding future research directions. Paper
conclude research avenues by highlighting future research directions for the
extended studies.
Please read full article –
Keywords: Credit card usage, influencing factors, technology
acceptance model, of planned behaviour, Sri Lanka
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