Wednesday 26 August 2020

The Scope of Information and Communication Technology Enabled Services in Promoting Pakistan Economy | Asian Journal of Economics, Finance and Management


Information and Communication Technology sector is significant for increasing the economic growth of a country by penetration of information technology and services in distance areas along with increasing labor productivity and foreign investment inflow. ICT sector in Pakistan is growing rapidly as it is proving valuable export earnings through services exports while the sector is also promoting other sectors including digital health services and ecommerce. The number of IT professionals and startups providing IT enabled services are increasing while the freelancing among youth is also on the rise. However to further promote this sector, Pakistan needs to provide ample opportunities in more number of cities as the existing infrastructure such as technology parks are limited mostly to large cities. Continuous professional development strategies and skills development policies are required to develop efficient human resource which will help in promoting ICT enabled services in Pakistan.


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Friday 21 August 2020

Valuation of Extension Officer's Attitudes towards Organic Farming, Khartoum State, Sudan | Asian Journal of Research and Review in Agriculture


Organic farming is widely used in the world. It is known by its low cost, high yield, high income, and food safety. The aim of this paper was to assess the extension officer’s attitude towards organic farming in Khartoum State. A sample size of 40 extension officers was selected for this paper by using full account sampling technique. A close-ended questionnaire was constructed and used for data collection. The collected data were coded and statistically analyzed by using SPSS, discussed, interpreted using descriptive analysis. The attitudes of extension officers were measured according to Likert scale. Results showed that the extension officers in Khartoum State had a positive attitude towards organic farming. The results indicated the extension officers were use 62.5% T.V, 65% radio and Internet, and 57.5% extension periodicals as information source. Also 87.5% of extension officers stated that the organic farming can contribute widely in national economy and rural development and 85% confirm that Sudan in need for organic farming. Result of Likert scale measurement showed that extension officers have a positive attitude towards all parameter measured. The results of correlation coefficient depicted that the relationship between some parameter measured showed positive moderate (r= .255), (r=.359*), and (r=.302). It can be concluded that organic farming in the study area is well accepted by extension officers and promised. The study recommended that the government has to play an important role to support organic farming through policy development and to support research. The extension officers should be subjected to frequent training programs in organic farming.


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Tuesday 18 August 2020

Influence of NaCl and PEG6000 Stresses on the Mitotic Chromosomal Biology of Bread Wheat Genotypes | Asian Journal of Research and Review in Agriculture


Cytogenetic studies were conducted to evaluate the effect of NaCl and PEG6000 doses on cell division and chromosomal aberrations during the germination of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) genotypes. Cytotoxic effects of NaCl and PEG6000 were mainly observed in meristematic cells in all wheat genotypes. Both stresses had adverse effects on dividing cells in root tips of all wheat genotypes lead to induction of chromosome aberrations including micronuclei, multinuclei, sticky metaphase, c-mitosis, anaphase bridge and vagrant chromosome, which indicated their action on the mitotic spindle. Cytological examination revealed that both NaCl and PEG6000 doses causes positive clastogenic effect as eroded chromosomal surfaces. These data reveal that NaCl and PEG6000 doses were capable in interfering with chromosomes providing valuable information for understanding the effects of NaCl and PEG6000 stresses on cytogenetics of wheat plants.


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Keywords: Chromosomal aberrations, meristematic cells of root-tips, sodium chloride (NaCl), Polythylen Glycol-6000 (PEG6000)

Monday 17 August 2020

Some Phenotypic Characteristics and Respondents Perceptions toward High Gum Yield Hashab Trees (Acacia senegal L.) in Shikan Locality, North Kordofan, Sudan | Asian Journal of Research and Review in Agriculture


This research was conducted in Shikan locality, North Kordofan, Sudan during 2018/2019. The aim of this research is to identify phenotypic characteristics and producers’ perceptions on high gum yield hashab trees (Acacia senegal L.). It also aims to scrutinize growth attributes of high yielding hashab tree in the study area. Social survey was done where interview was conducted using structured questionnaire which distributed to seventy seven owners of high gum yield hashab trees. Qualitative data such as bark color, flowering and fruiting period were also collected. Descriptive Statistical Analysis in Statistical Packages for Social Sciences (SPSS version 16.00) where mean, percentages, and counts were calculated. Moreover, correlation analysis was done. The results revealed that age of high gum yield hashab trees ranged from 5 to 17 years. According to the most of respondents (90%), high gum yield hashab trees exudates gum firstly at age of 5 years as a minimum while 78% of respondents stated that the bark color is reddish at tapping position. The majority (93%) of respondents described shape of gum nodules as round. As phenotypic characteristics of high gum yield hashab trees, beginning of flowering and fruiting period is May to August where positive correlation (0.32) was found. Positive correlation (0.24) was also found between starting gum exudation and number of pickings/season. The study concluded that high gum yield hashab trees could be phenotypically identified and also through experience since tree form, color, flowering and fruiting are always under farmers focus. The study recommends investigating relation between phenotypic characteristics and genetic sources of high gum yield hashab trees.


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Keywords: Phenotypic, gum yield, gum productivity, Acacia senegal, Kordofan, Sudan

Tuesday 11 August 2020

Heterosis and Combining Ability under Favorable and Salinity Stress in Egyptian Bread Wheat

 Generation mean analysis for effect of salinity soil and water was carried out to study days to 50% Tipping, spike length and No. of spikelets/spike. The results indicated that the mean squares of all genotypes were highly significant for three studied traits, reflecting a great wide genetic variability among them. The mean sum of squares due to the general combining ability (GCA) and specific combining ability (SCA) were high significant for days to 50% Tipping and No. of spikelets/spike, but specific combining ability (SCA) was significant for spike length under salinity stress. Heterosis of all crosses over mid parents (H M.P %) and better parent (H B.P %) for days to 50% Tipping, spike length and No. of spikelets/spike were estimated on this study. The most types of general combining ability effect (gi) and specific combining ability effects (Sij) are involved in the inheritance for three traits. Also, data showed that magnitudes of the non-additive genetic variance (σ2D), which were higher than those of additive (σ2A) ones for days to 50% Tipping and No. of spikelets/spike. The results exhibited that the values of heritability in broad senses (h2b.s%) and narrow senses (h2n.s%) were highly for spike length under Favorable, salinity stress and combined data with values of (87.35 and 58.42%) and (85.32 and 72.73%) and (75.70 and 12.83%). Moreover, the values of (h2b.s%) were highly but the values of (h2n.s%) were low for days to 50% Tipping and No. of spikelets/spike under Favorable and salinity stress conditions, respectively. Finally, it could be concluded that the non- additive gene action played a major role in controlling of traits of days to 50% Tipping and No. of spikelets/spike. However, the additive gene action played a major role in controlling of spike length, respectively.

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Keywords: Combining ability, gene action, heritability, heterosis, salinity, wheat

Monday 10 August 2020



Methods for in vitro micropropagation of Wedelia chinensis by indirect organogenesis via callus were investigated by optimizing the concentrations and combinations of different phytohormones in MS medium. Callus was induced from the leaf explants in MS medium containing BAP and NAA. Callus proliferation with development of associated nodular structures was achieved on subculturing in MS medium fortified with BAP and L-glutamine. Caulogenesis was recorded after the subculture of the nodular light green friable calli on MS basal medium in 2 weeks time. Rhizogenesis was observed 7 days after reinoculation of the shoots in MS basal medium.

No detectable differences were recorded between the donor and in vitro generated plants with regard to biochemical and cytological parameters.


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Keywords: Medicinal plant, Wedelia,, Micropropagation.



Yield and root-gall nematode disease of Okra as affected by mulching material and irrigation frequency were evaluated during 2009 and 2010 dry seasons (January to April). The experiment was layed out in a 3 X 4 factorial arranged in randomized complete block design with 4 replications. Okra variety: "Awgu early" highly susceptible to root-gall nematode, Meloidogyne incognita was planted at 0.3 X 0.3m in an Ultisol naturally infested by the nematode. Results of the two years showed that black polythene mulch and 12hourly irrigation significantly impaired root-gall nematode disease and improved Okra yield (pods). Severe nematode damage and least pod yield occurred on plants mulched with either palm bunch refuse or no mulching material and irrigated 24 or 36 hourly.


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Keywords: Irrigation frequency, mulching material,, okra, root-gall nematode disease and yield

Saturday 8 August 2020



Meiotic studies were carried on four populations of Polypogon fugax from district Kangra (Himachal Pradesh). All the presently worked out populations on the basis of recognized base number x=7, are hexaploid with haploid chromosome number, n=21. The present study reports spontaneous cytomixis in 3 populations of P. fugax more frequently at diakinesis and M-I. In addition to cytomixis, other meiotic abnormalities like interbivalent connections, chromosome stickiness, unoriented bivalents, laggards, etc. have been worked out for the first time resulting in heterogenous sized pollen grains with reduced pollen fertility.


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Keywords: Cytomixis, district Kangra, meiotic abnormalities,, Polypogon fugax



The small miracle plant Stevia rebaudiana Bert. is commercially important due to presence of a natural sweetner, stevioside (diterpene glycoside), a potent alternative to sucrose. Poor seed germinability limits its reproduction to only vegetative propagation by stem cuttings. This makes micropopagation most reliable method. Axenically grown cotyledonary leaves produce profuse calli (10mg/lit NAA-0.5mg/lit Kinetin), which subsequently develop microshoots. Vigorous microshooting (max 72.65, microshoots/explant) was noticed at moderate concentrations of Kinetin and BA (Kinetin 3mg/lit- 5mg/lit, BA 0.5mg/lit-3mg/lit) with maximum shoot length in minimum shoot initiation time. Most of such microshoots rooted efficiently (20 roots /shoot; 4cm root length) within 5-6 days of culture at high IBA concentrations (5mg/lit- 10mg/lit). Such efficient microshoots are being tested for their acclimatization and field establishment potential through routine hardening procedures. The objective of the study is to develop an elite line (microshoots) with high regeneration, good field transfer potential with sustained stevioside production.


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Keywords: Stevia, Micropropagation, Multiple shooting

Friday 7 August 2020

Desiccation and Freezing Sensitivity of Selected Groundnut Genotypes for Germplasm Conservation | Asian Basic and Applied Research Journal


The Series of experiments were carried out to determined the sensitivity of five groundnut genotypes  which were:  Sodari, Ghibaish, Barberton, ICGV121 and Advance  to desiccation under 7 saturated salt solutions with specific relative humidity at 35ºC and freezing in liquid nitrogen temperature                  (-196ºC) using desorption drying method. The objectives of the study were to quantify seed desiccation and freezing sensitivity and their relations to seed viability. The equilibrium seed water content of desiccated seeds, germination percentages and rates of desiccated and desiccated-frozen seeds, WC50, water activity, water potential, HMFL and their correlations with other parameters were determined. Equilibrium mean water content in gH2Og-1dw was determined gravimetrically when seeds were oven-dried under 105ºC for 24 hrs. Seed desiccation sensitivity, (designated as WC50) was obtained using the Quantal Quadric response model. Freezing sensitivity was determined using high moisture freezing limit (HMFL). The significant increases in seed viability (germination %) with decreases in equilibrium water content observed in this study. All seeds withstand low level of equilibrium water content (below 0.1 gH2Og-1dw) implying that, there were not sensitive to desiccation and freezing as determined by sensitivity indicators (WC50, wa50, Ψ50 and HMFL). In contrast, Barberton, Ghibaish and the Advance line showed less sensitivity to liquid nitrogen (HMFL value of 0.1 gH2Og-1dw) compared to Sodari and ICGV121 (HMFL values of 0.06 and 0.05 gH2Og-1dw, respectively). Correlation analyses indicated that, equilibrium seed water content was positively correlated with seed germination after desiccation and freezing. WC50 was positively correlated with HMFL indicating that the sensitivity of seeds to freezing depends upon its level of desiccation


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Keywords: Desiccation, freezing, conservation, groundnut, genotypes



An efficient, rapid and reproducible plant regeneration protocol was successfully developed for Mentha piperita L. using nodal explants from naturally field grown plants. Axillary shoot bud proliferation, initiated from nodal explants was cultured on MS (Murashige and Skoog, 1962) medium supplemented with various concentration of 6-benzyladenine (BA) (0.5-3.0 mg/l), Kinetin (KN) (0.5-3.0 mg/l) and 2-isoPentenyladenine (2-iP) (0.5-3.0 mg/l). Maximum numbers of shoots (4.19 ± 0.03) with average length (3.46 ± 0.16) were induced on medium containing 1.0 mg/l BA. Shoots culture was established by repeated sub-culturing the original nodal explant on shoot multiplication medium after each harvest of newly formed shoots. Thus, 20-25 shoots were obtained in 3 months from a single nodal explant. Rooting of shoots was achieved on half strength MS medium supplemented with 1.5 mg/l Indole-3-butyric acid (IBA) and 2% sucrose. Welldeveloped complete plantlets were transferred to plastic pots containing a mixture of (1:1) soil and vermiculite showed 81.13% survived. The hardened plants were evaluated for their genetic fidelity through RAPD markers. Because, genetic uniformity of in vitro raised plants as also a prerequisite for production of quality planting material of Mentha piperita L. This protocol can be used for commercial propagation purposes and to initiate future genetic improvement studies.


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Thursday 6 August 2020

Electricity Price Forecasting for the Electric Reliability Council of Texas Using Econometrics Models | Asian Basic and Applied Research Journal

Short-term electricity price forecasting has been a prominent factor in many aspects of electrical power companies. Revolutionary changes in modern electrical grids so-called Smart Grids have introduced smart meters as essential parts of the Smart Grids, which increase the importance of Electricity price and load in the energy management system. Short-term electricity price forecasting has been a prominent factor in many aspects of electrical power companies over the last 15 years. Several modeling approaches, such as Fundamental models, Reduced-form models, Statistical Models, and Computational intelligence models, have been used by the researchers in the field. Among the Statistical models, the time series models have shown great performance. In this paper, we propose a new price forecasting method based on SARIMA-GARCH models with the Skew-Normal Distribution as electricity spot prices exhibit large deviations. The model is constructed to simulate and compose the estimated components of the time series model to predict the future electricity price for the Electric Reliability Council of Texas. Finally, the obtained results from the proposed model are compared with the Normal Distribution Assumption. The effectiveness of the presented method is verified by using real electricity price data from the Electric Reliability Council of Texas. This finding confirms that the forecast accuracy can be significantly improved by the proposed method.


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Keywords:  Electricity price, forecasting, econometrics time series, SARIMA

A Performance Analysis of Power Distribution Utilities of Haryana | Asian Basic and Applied Research Journal

In this paper, a discussion has been made about the installed generation capacity, power availability and power sold the number of electricity consumers, sector-wise electricity consumed, pending electricity bills, credit rating and settlement of pending electricity bills in the Haryana. The one reason behind the pending electricity bills may be the promises made by political parties at the time of elections to waive-off the electricity bills. This provides protection to consumers, especially in political sensitive districts. So, the Haryana Power Utilities (HPUs) are required to be changed adequately from substantial losses to the sound profit-making units by taking legitimate actions. The accessibility and availability of moderate and subjective power offer fuel to the motor of monetary development.


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Keywords: Power discoms, operational and financial performance, electricity consumption, defaulted amount, credit ratings, UDAY scheme

Wednesday 5 August 2020

Yield and Quality of Ten Forage Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench) Genotypes Grown under Rain-fed in North Kordofan State | Asian Basic and Applied Research Journal

Availability of forage in North Kordofan during rainy season as result of mismanagement of pasture, over-grazing plays an important role in yield and quality. A field experiment was conducted for two consecutive rainy seasons (2014/15- 2015/2016). The treatments were arranged in a randomized complete block design (RCBD) with three replications. The results indicated that, the genotypes had significant effects on most studied characters. Pioneer and Nabig genotypes had the highest plant height, leaf area index and green forage yield (ton/ha) compared to other genotypes. The genotypes Pioneer and Taqqat.9A were superior and performed better in forage quality, scored higher crude protein and lesser crude fiber, therefore recommended to the areas facing shortage of forage during rainfall in north kordofan state.


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Keywords: Yield, forage sorghum, genotypes, rain-fed.

Genetic Analysis of Eight Parents and their 28 Hybrids under Salinity Tolerance in Bread Wheat

This investigation was carried out to study the gene action under salinity soil and water on plant height, number of tillers/plants, stem diameter, 100-grain weight, and grain yield/plant, at experimental farm faculty of Agriculture, south valley university, Qena, Egypt during the two winter seasons (2018-2019). The results showed that the mean squares of 36 genotypes were highly significant for all studied traits, reflecting a great wide genetic variability among them. The mean sum of squares due to the general combining ability (GCA) and specific combining ability (SCA) were highly significant for all studied traits. The additive genetic variance (σ2A), which were higher than those of non-additive (σ2D) ones for plant height, stem diameter and 100-grain weight. The values of heritability in broad senses (h2b. s %) and narrow senses (h2n. s%) were estimated for all studied. The results exhibited that genotypic correlation for plant height was highly significant with number of tillers/plants, stem diameter, and grain yield/plant with the values of (0.40, 0.33 and 0.33) respectively, under salinity condition. However, genotypic correlation for stem diameter was positive and highly significant with 100-grain weight with the value of (0.48) under salinity condition. Additionally, the genotypic and phenotypic correlations were positive and highly significant between number of tillers/plants with grain yield/plant with the values of (0.37) and (0.43). Finally, it could be concluded that the additive gene action played a major role in controlling of most traits studied.


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Keywords: Combining ability, heritability, salinity tolerance, stem diameter, wheat

Monday 3 August 2020


Aphid sucks the vital nutrients of the plant sap from the different parts like lower surface of leaf, stem, tender branches, and inflorescence of the plant. This impairs the normal growth of the crop plants and thus reduces the crop production. The Midges (Endaphis aphidimyza) act on the Aphids and reduce their population and thus relieve the crop plants from the ill effects of aphids. This paper presents results of a study on the effects of seasonal factors on different

stages of the life cycle of Midges and their population. The climatic factors have been assessed on the aphid population. Statistical analysis has revealed that the partial regression coefficient of temp (x1 0C) and pupal period (y) has negative and significant effect i.e. (b1 = -0.295), on 10 change in temperature decreases this period by -0.295. Similarly humidity (x2) has positive but highly significant result (b2 =0.104). The resultant effect of rainfall (b3 = 0.025) though positive but

non-significant and the wind velocity adversely affects the pupal period (b4 = -0.00104). The total variation explained by all the independent variables x1, x2, x3 and x4 came out to be 71.2 per cent. Obviously, Zoophagous appears to be ecofriendly organism.


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Keywords: Endaphis aphidimyza, Ecofriendly gallmidge, Pupal period of Cecidomyiids, Zoophagous, Cecidomyiids


A suitable method has been optimized to isolate high quality RNA from polyphenols and glycosides rich leaves of Stevia rebaudiana for Q-PCR analysis. RNA isolation protocol was standardized through some modifications of standard guanidinium isothiocyanate – phenol based method, CTAB-LiCl based method and tris - saturated phenol based method. Quality and yield of isolated RNA were assessed through spectrophotometric technique, band profile in 1.5% (w/v) nondenaturing agarose gel electrophoresis and amplification efficiency during Q-PCR analysis. Modification of standard guanidinium isothiocyanate – phenol based RNA isolation method through addition of 2% (w/v) polyvinyl pyrrolidone and 2% (w/v) β-mercaptoethanol during extraction followed by chloroform: isoamyl alcohol (24:1) induced phase separation and precipitation in 8M lithium chloride was found to be best with respect to quality, quantity and downstream application of isolated RNA. The proposed protocol is indeed promising to isolate high quality RNA from secondary metabolites rich S. rebaudiana leaves.


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Keywords: RNA isolation, Q-PCR, Stevia rebaudiana

Saturday 1 August 2020


Phyllostachys nigra is a monpodial, ever green bamboo species and can be grown in the mountain region as well as in the plains. This species of bamboo is very useful for mountain slopes and river banks to prevent soil erosion. It can withstand sub zero temperature and remain in leaf all the year long. In the present study growth behaviour of P. nigra planted at the slope in the mid hill region of Uttarakhand was evaluated. New shoots emerged from the central shoot at a distance of 2 to 360 cm. An increase of 520 per cent in height was observed within one week. Maximum temperature and rainfall had highest direct negative and positive correlation with height of newly emerged shoots, respectively.


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Keywords: Phyllostachys nigra, Monopodial, Growth pattern, Mountain region


Present communication deals with seven taxa of Netrium (Nägeli)) Itzigson and Rothe. viz. N. digitus (Ehrenberg) Itzigson et Rothe var. digitus, N. digitus var. rhomboideum Grönblad, N. digitus var. scottii Prescott f. minus Prescott, Croasdale & Vinyard, N. digitus var. rectum (Turner) Krieger and N. elongatumOhtani. Of the above five taxa, four taxa are reported for the first time from West Bengal, and latter two being recorded probably for the first time from India. Two taxa viz. N. bengalicum sp. nov., and N. indicum sp. nov. are proposed as new to science.


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Keywords:  Genus, Netrium, new records, Saccoderm desmids

Does Social Networking Enhance the Performance of Women Entrepreneurs in Nigeria? | Asian Journal of Economics, Finance and Management

  The study is aimed at determining the impact of social networks on the performance of women entrepreneurs in Nigeria. A sample of 348 wome...