Tuesday 31 December 2019


W. somnifera (L.) Dunal. (Solanaceae), highly valued and one of the most extensively used herbal tonic, health food in Ayurvedas and considered as "Indian Ginseng". The objective of the present study was to investigate the cytomorphological variations of germplasm from different study areas and also to find out the chemical characterization among the selected morphotypes. Out of all these collected germplasms, two cytotypes and two morphotypes were studied.  Among these two cytotypes diploid (2n=24) and tetraploid (2n=48), the tetraploid cytotype showed highly abnormal microsporogenesis le. (Cytomixis, Bridges and Laggards). On the other hand in the diploid (2n=24) cytotype, the detailed meiotic course is normal with equal distribution of chromosomes at A-1, normal microsporogenesis with high pollen fertility.

Along with these, two morphotypes were also identified within the tetraploid cytotype. The major chemical constituents reported from this plant are with anolides in which with aferin A and with anolide A are most important for polyherbal formulations. Thus to check the quantity of these two chemical constituents, a simple, sensitive, and accurate high performance thin layer chromatography (HPTLC) method has been developed for the estimation of withaferin  A and withanolide A in different plant parts such as leaf, root, stem and fruit of these two morphotypes I and II. The better resolution was achieved by using mobile phase Toluene: Ethyl acetate: Formic acid (5:5:1).

Generally roots are considered to be enriched with bioactive with anolides. In the present study, the maximum contents of withafer in A and with anolide A were observed in leaves which are remarkable source. The present work is an attempt to establish a link between cytomorphological  variabilities and chemical characterization and to find out the best genotype for the society to fulfill the requirement of the polyherbal formulations of Ashwagandha in India and abroad.

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Monday 30 December 2019


The behaviour of chromosomes during meiosis was studied in females of Earias vitiella (fabr.) (Noctuidae, Lepidoptera) The haploid chromosome number is 31. All bivalents are homomorphic and sex chromosomes can not be identified. Throughout prophase, frou pachytene until pro-metaphase all the bivalents remain associated non-homologously via telomeres, forming a single multibranched chain. Subsequently, non-homologous associations disappear, as a result all the bivalents become free and get arranged on the metaphase plate. They show clear cut reductional split. Diplotene structures are absent.  Hence the meiosis appears achiasmatic.

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Saturday 28 December 2019


Optimal ascorbic acid concentration (1 mM) extended the life span and decreased the reproductive potential of C. maculatus.  However, the per cent increase in LT50 and LT1oo was more pronounced in females than in males.  The life prolonging effect of ascorbic acid could be explained in terms of its decreasing the reproductive potential of bruchids and/or its free radical quenching effect.

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Friday 27 December 2019


Paper presents the first hand observations on the stomatal structure in relation to the ageing of leaves of Calotropis procera (Ait) Br. (Asclepiadaceae). In older leaves thick cuticular wrinkles develop around the guard cells and the scars of glandular hair bases. Detailed structure of stomata in young, mature and old leaves and their bearing on the physiology of plants has been discussed.

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Thursday 26 December 2019


Karyomorphology and the C-, G-banding pattern analyses of chromosomes of the microchiroptera Megaderma lyra lyra Geoflroy were done. The diploid number 54 with the chromosome formulae n = 14m +12sm+Ist/t and NF = 107 for male, n = 14m+12sm + 1st and NF = 108 for female with relative percentage length range from 5:23 ± 0.48 to 2.07 ± 0. 17 for autosomes, 5:08 ± 0.99 for the X and 0.05 ± 0.01 for the Y have been detected. Comparison of the karyotype and the banding patterns of chromosomes with that of the earlier reports on the same species collected from different geographical regions showed a considerable amount of differences in the fine structure of chromosomes, in the amount of heterochromatin and in the distribution pattern of G-bands; which might have occurred due to the variation among the different allopatric populations of the same species. Unlike that of other bats, the presence of very high amount of constitutive heterochromatin with a unique pattern of its distribution have been pointed out. The possible roles of pericentric inversion and addition of extraneous heterochromatin in the evolution of its karyotype and in speciation in the family Megadermatidae have been discussed.

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Wednesday 25 December 2019

On Review of the Riemanns’ Iterated Integrals

This paper reviews the Riemanns’ approach of multiple integrals by considering its basic definitions, results and the various successive integral evaluations, in doing this, the continuity condition of R was considered with respect to X as the necessary condition guaranteeing the existence of the integrals using the analytical Riemanns’ approach. This involves the use of partitions, to generate continued results to the nth iterated integral after the nth iteration.
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Monday 23 December 2019


The truth inherent in evolutionary conservation has now been realized that humans have DNA stretches faithfully transmitted and brilliantly copied for billions and billions of years. Human genome comprises of large number of DNA sequences whose presence is well proven among organisms evolved during Pre Cambrian and thereafter. Human genome has many genes exactly similar to variety of organisms referrable to animalia; this short review highlights about DNA sequences also found among some plants. The hypothesis is that DNA stretches must have been ceaselessly replicated during early phases of evolution and DNA sequences got randomly distributed among trillion cells and evolving organisms. This gets upheld by series of observations based on Southern hybridization studies and also, by blasting sequenced genomic DNA from small aquatic weed the quillwort, Isoetes pantii, and Ginkgo biloba (maiden hair tree ) with the human genome using gene bank public database ( http:www.ncbi.nim.nih.gov ). Ancestors and related species of these extant genera have had flourished during 150 to 300 million years ago; this is intriguing that these plants also possess some genes exhibiting 50 to 80% concordant DNA stretches of many loci on human chromosomes.

Relevance of this unity and diversity among dispersal of DNA sequences is that human genes are not “exclusive” to human being. So, obviously , our genome is an admixture - package of DNA sequences; many of them had had got randomly dispersed several billion years ago in organisms which were, then on the track of biological evolution sometime in Pre Cambrian.

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Friday 20 December 2019

Sex Ratio of Empoasca pteridis Dhlb. (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae) and Its Seasonal and Annual Variation in Alfalfa Field

Fieldwork was performed at the experimental field of the Institut of Forage Crops, Pleven, Bulgaria during the period 2006-2009. To measure the abundance and sex ratio of Empoasca pteridis moving in alfalfa stand, net sweeping was carried out weekly during the growing season. Samples were taken along the diagonals of a crop from the plant growth to the harvest of each regrowth in the flowering stage. It was found that the population growth of leafhoppers in alfalfa reached a peak just before harvest, and the peaks increased from the first to the third harvest. The sex ratios of E. pteridis successively decreased from the first to the fourth growth cycle. In addition, the first, second and third growth cycles were initially strongly female-biased, and the sex ratio decreased over time successively and occupied the lowest value immediately before cutting. In the fourth growth cycle, the sex proportion was equalized. Significant impact on female density had the temperature factor and the predominance of females was a consequence of the higher temperature and negligible amount of rainfall. It was found also that the sex ratio of E. pteridis in the third growth cycle was characterized by a high homeostaticity and stress resistance and is the most stable in relation to the changing environment.

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Testing the Fama-French Three-factor Model for Banking Stocks in the Indian Stock Market Using Panel Regression Analysis

The Fama-French three-factor model is one of the most important models in asset pricing theory, extending the CAPM by incorporating the size and book-to-market (BTM) effects. Several studies have shown that the three-factor model has significantly greater explanatory power over the CAPM.

The present study contributes to the literature by proposing fixed-effects panel regression analysis of stock performance on beta, log of total assets and the book-to-market ratio, controlling for stock-specific and period-specific effects as an alternative to the classic Fama-French methodology, which involves the comparison of the rates of return of a portfolio consisting of high BTM stocks with a portfolio consisting of low BTM stocks and the comparison of the rates of return of a portfolio consisting of small firm stocks with a portfolio consisting of large firm stocks. The study examines the three-factor model using a sample of nine large-cap stocks from the banking industry in the National Stock Exchange (NSE) of India, over the study period 01/04/2008 - 31/03/2016.

The results of the study indicate significant negative impact of the BTM ratio on mean returns, and no significant beta and size effects. These results are quite different from most of the previous studies in the literature, which assert that stocks with high BTM ratio tend to have higher returns than stocks with low BTM ratio; however, the results of the study do conform partially with the literature of the three-factor model, in that it was generally found the BTM factor to be dominant over the beta and size factors.

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Wednesday 18 December 2019

The Challenges of the Diffused Indian Cultural Matrix in the Era of Globalization: A Gandhian Perspective

Gandhiji, also lovingly known as Bapuji or the father of the nation of India, a global proprietor of functional social change is not remembered as a mere leader but honoured as a charismatic figure–the much acclaimed saint of Sabarmati, with selfless service, a futuristic ideology and vision for nation building with scientific spirit and spiritualism [1]. Whereas Marx and Hitler believed in perpetuating change in social system through their western oriented conflict perspective, Gandhiji believed in reconstructing the Indian society through positivism. This paper discusses how his revolutionary ideologies can be implemented to deal with issues and challenges of the distorted Indian cultural milieu in the era of globalization.

Mahatma Gandhi could unlock great truth of his time that has relevance to the contemporary world. While delving deep into his noble and rare insights one can find potential gadgets and tools still lying idle in his old models of workshops and the much sought after key to unlock the truth that India is capable of economic, political and social self sustenance and is not to be dragged, tied to other foreign models-namely-globalization, in its rough sense. He fabricated and designed great models such as “Ahimsa” and “Satyagraha” to reach for the truth-Freedom or Self Reliance or Swaraj! [2,3,4]. The problems of Globalization that he had well predicted before the onset of the process have surfaced in today’s world. A Gandhian perspective would not only help us in analysing the factors, agents, nature and impacts of globalisation, but also in finding a solution so as to carry out the restoration of diffused Indian cultural matrix and nation building [5,6].

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Sunday 1 December 2019

On the Review of Riemann and Riemann Stieljtes Integrals

This work seeks an understanding of integration as a generalization of the summation process either in the Riemann or the Riemann Stieljtes sense as the case may be.
First, on having an interval [a, b] in , a partition is constructed with which the Riemann sums R(f, p) is calculated and if such sums tends to a finite  limit and the mesh m(p) tends to zero then the function is intergrable and the Riemann integration of such function is defined as

for any partition p   and p' in [a, b] and  p' a refinement of  p
where U(f, p) and L(f, p)  have their usual meanings.
Again, With the interval [a, b] and a partition on it such that the Riemann Stieljtes sums of f  with respect to a, R (f, p, a) are calculated and if such sums tends to a finite limit as the mesh m(p) to zero then the function is Riemann Stieljtes integrable and such integral is then defined as

for any partitions p and p' in [a, b]  and p'  a refinement of p where  U(f, p', a) and L(f, p, a)have their usual meanings.
Further, we explored the various properties of the Riemann and Riemann Stieljtes integrals in form of theorems and lemma and in the last section we stated and proved some important and advanced results on the subject.

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Does Social Networking Enhance the Performance of Women Entrepreneurs in Nigeria? | Asian Journal of Economics, Finance and Management

  The study is aimed at determining the impact of social networks on the performance of women entrepreneurs in Nigeria. A sample of 348 wome...