Friday 31 July 2020


Genetic analysis of plant is relished on high yield of pure DNA sample. In this paper we present the optimization of DNA isolation protocol of selective cultivar of Sesamum indicum. The method involves a modified CTAB extraction employing PVP yield grinding. Successive long term chloroform: isoamyl alcohol extraction and RNAase treatment with all steps carried out at room temperature. The yield of DNA ranges from 205.2 to 721.2 μg/ml., 231.6 to 781.3 μg/ml and 218.1 to 768.8 μg/ml. of leaf tissue and the purity was 1.65 to 1.79, 1.68 to 1.85 and 1.60 to 1.87 indicating minimal level of contaminating particles. The techniques are ideal for DNA isolation and can be used for further molecular studies.


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Keywords: Sesamum indicum, CTAB, Benzyl Chloride, PVP, Agarose gel, DNA isolation


Effects of root-gall nematode infection and okra variety on mucilaginous property and nutrient composition of okra were studied in 2007 and 2008 cropping seasons. The experiment was a 2x4 factorial arranged in randomized complete block design with 4 replications. Viscometer and standard official methods of analysis (AOAC,1990) were respectively used to determine mucilaginous property and nutrient composition on immature fresh fruits harvested 6 days after anthesis. Results showed that root-gall nematode infection significantly (P=0.05) reduced percentage moisture content, fat, calcium, sodium and mucilaginous property of okra fruits. Phosphorus and nitrogen contents were on the other hand enhanced by the infection. Neither okra variety nor root-gall nematode infection affected ash, magnesium and potassium contents of the fruits.


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Keywords: Okra variety,, root-gall nematode infection, mucilaginous property, nutrient composition

Thursday 30 July 2020

On Euler’s And Milne’s Linear Multi Step Methods of Solving the Ordinary Differential Equations [2010MSC: 65XX] | Asian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics

This work discusses the Euler’s and Milne’s linear multistep methods for solving initial value problems of the ordinary differential equations. By this for the Euler’s we seek an approximation      Capture_1.PNG    Capture_3.PNG   and for the integral equation Capture-_7.PNG with a truncation errorCapture_-_5.PNG . Thereby providing an enhancement accuracy and for the Milne’s method for the integral equationCapture_21.PNG  the iterative formula: Capture-_8.PNGConverges faster where the local truncation error Capture_-_9.PNG  is sufficiently negligible compared to that of Euler. Hence, the milne’ method is a more accurate approximation method than the Euler’s method. Section three points to the fact that linear multi step method so far discussed is convergent provided it is consistent and stable. This result is achievable if the root conditions are satisfied.


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Keywords: Continuous functions, ordinary differential equations iterations, integral equations, initial value problems, convergence

Combined Effect of Rotation and Magnetic Field on Micropolar Fluid Heated and Soluted, Permeated with Suspended Particles Saturating Porous Medium | Asian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics

This paper deals with the convection of micropolar fluids heated and soluted from below in the presence of suspended particles (fine dust) and uniform vertical rotation and uniform vertical magnetic field in a porous medium. Using the Boussinesq approximation, the linearized stability theory and normal mode analysis, the exact solutions are obtained for the case of two free boundaries. It is found that the presence of the suspended particles number density, the rotation parameter, stable solute, magnetic field intensity and medium permeability bring oscillatory modes which were non–existent in their absence. It is found that the presence of coupling between thermal and micropolar effects, rotation parameter, solute parameter and suspended particles may introduce overstability in the system. Graphs have been plotted by giving numerical values to the parameters accounting for rotation parameter, magnetic field solute parameter, the dynamic microrotation viscosity and coefficient of angular viscosity to depict the stability characteristics, for both the cases of stationary convection and overstability. It is found that Rayleigh number for the case of overstability and stationary convection increases with increase in rotation parameter, as well as with magnetic field intensity, solute parameter and decreases with increase in micropolar coefficients and medium permeability, for a fixed wave number, implying thereby the stabilizing effect of rotation parameter, magnetic field intensity ,solute parameter and destabilizing effect of micropolar coefficients and medium permeability on the thermosolutal convection of micropolar fluids.


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Keywords: Micropolar fluid, rotation parameter, suspended particles (fine dust), microrotation, magnetic field intensity, solute parameter, medium permeability, coefficient of angular viscosity

Wednesday 29 July 2020

Symbiotic Disclosure of Real Sector and Financial Sector: Evidence in Nigerian GDP and Stock Market Capitalization | Asian Journal of Economics, Finance and Management

The focus of this study is to identify the disagreement if any between the real sector and the financial, and to disclose its activities alongside macroeconomic factors before the emergence of the 2016 and 2017 fair recession in Nigeria. The ending controversies of the financial sector being a host or a parasite to the real sector pave the gesture for this study. This study, therefore, evaluated the prevailing casual disclosure between the Nigeria Stock Performance and Gross Domestic Product alongside other Macroeconomic indicators, such as exchange rate, external reserves, Inflation rate, and Interest rate data sourced from Central Bank of Nigeria over the period 1985-2014. The Augmented Dickey-Fuller and Granger Causality tests were employed. The results disclose a significant symbiotic link between Stock Market Capitalization and GDP in the growth process. On the other hand interest rate tends to influence Market capitalization activities. The study concludes that GDP and Stock Market Capitalization constitute significant influential variables in the Nigerian economy as both promote each other, while the inference of interest rate follows movements in Stock Market Capitalization. The implications to these findings show that the financial sectors and the real sectors both operate within and obey the demand follow and supply leading hypotheses. The study recommends that the Central of Nigeria should collaborate with the Bank of Industry and the Agricultural Development Bank to issue out soft loans to capable entrepreneurs to uphold the symbiotic disclosure shown in this study. Finally, CBN should properly manage the macroeconomic variables to improve the Nigerian economy.


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Keywords: GDP, stock market capitalization, granger causality, symbiotic disclosure, Nigeria

Market Efficiency and Long-range Dependence: Evidence from the Tehran Stock Market | Asian Journal of Economics, Finance and Management

In an efficient market, the price process must follow a random walk, and price changes must be random. The presence of short and long-range dependence in the stock price process rejects the random walk and resulting in market inefficiency. The main objective of this paper is to examine the Tehran exchange market inefficiency attributableto the presence of long-range dependence in the market.To do so, we study the time-varying long-range dependence in the Tehran Stock Exchange log-return process using financial econometrics models. We provide clear statistical evidence that the mean log-return price process of the Tehran exchange market is a non-stationary process with short rang memory. Our finding indicates that shocks in the volatility of the Tehran stock market decay more slowly than an exponential decay. The results provide strong evidence in rejecting the random walk and the market efficiency hypotheses in the Tehran stock exchange market.


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Keywords: Long range dependence, market efficiency, Tehran stock exchange, financial econometrics

Tuesday 28 July 2020

Credit Ratings of Power Distribution Utilities in Northern Region of India | Asian Journal of Economics, Finance and Management

In this study, a discussion has been made on the credit ratings of power distribution utilities of the northern region of India. In July 2012 for evaluating the performance of State Power Distribution utilities on a range of parameters covering operational, financial, regulatory and reform parameters the Ministry of Power, India had designed an Integrated Rating Methodology. The credit quality assessed by the Investment Information and Credit Rating Agency of India Limited (ICRA) and Credit Analysis and Research Limited, India (CARE) summed up that a distribution utility is dependent upon several factors, including the availability of regulatory framework allowing ‘cost-plus’ based tariff, timeliness and adequacy of subsidy support from the state government, and the ability to improve the operating efficiency levels and maintaining the cost structure in line with regulatory targets.


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Keywords: Power distribution utilities, credit ratings, operational and financial performance, ICRA and CARE

Simulation Modelling of the Addition of Servers in Queueing Systems | Asian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics

The objective of the study was to analyse the improvement in operating characteristics of an M./M/1 queueing system with the addition of a server, as a function of the utilisation rate λ/µ. The study has applied a simulation model for M/M/1 and M/M/2 systems using the same generated set of random inputs to examine the impact of the addition of servers in queueing systems. The improvement in system length ΔL was analysed using four proposed models: ln(ΔL) as linear and quadratic functions of λ/µ, and as linear and quadratic functions of ln(λ/µ). The Chow test was used to examine structural breaks at λ/µ = 1 and λ/µ = 2.


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Keywords: M/M/1 and M/M/2 queueing systems, simulation, utilization rate λ/µ, Chow test, structural breaks

Monday 27 July 2020


The present study was carried out to evaluate in vitro susceptibility of Clostridium perfringens (C. perfringens) to antimicrobial agents. A total of 22 C. perfringens type A strains, previously isolated from intestinal contents of broiler chickens displaying gross lesions suspected to be necrotic enteritis (NE) reared at different locations in Tiaret province, were tested on a panel of 7 antimicrobial agents using the disk diffusion method. The following antibiotics were used: Amoxicillin-Clavulanic acid (Co-amoxiclav); Penicillin G; Bacitracin; Tetracycline; Clindamycin; Trimethoprim-Sulfamethoxazole (Co-trimoxazole); Erythromycin. Our results showed a widespread resistance to multiple antibiotics including Tetracycline (86.36%), Erythromycin (77.27%), Co-trimoxazole (68.18%) and Co-amoxiclav (50%). However, C. perfringens type A isolates tested demonstrated a low resistance to Clindamycin (36.36%), Bacitracine (36.36%) and Penicillin G (31.81%). We concluded that the highest rate of resistance was showed for commonly used antibiotics in comparison with antibiotics used in specific cases.


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Keywords:  Clostridium perfringens, necrotic enteritis, antimicrobial susceptibility, broiler chickens, Tiaret


The antimicrobial activity of propolis extracts is well documented. Nevertheless, the properties of the Algerian propolis are poorly investigated. This fact could be due to the diversity of the climate and the geographic areas from which propolis is usually harvested. The present work is a contribution to evaluate the antimicrobial susceptibility testing of propolis varieties with high total polyphenols and flavonoids contents, chosen beforehand from an analysis made of 10 propolis samples. The disk diffusion method was employed to determine the antistaphylococcal activity of three EEAP (ethanolic extract of Algerian propolis) samples, at different concentrations (5%, 10, 20 and 30%), against a reference bacterium strain of Staphylococcus aureus, the most redoubtable agent in osteomyelitis. Inhibitory zone diameters for the tested bacterium were 14.99 mm for EEAP at 5% concentration, 16.41 mm at 10%, 18.08 mm at 20% and 19.16 mm at 30%, respectively. Our in vitro study revealed that EEAP with high polyphenols and flavonoids contents exhibit a strong antibacterial activity, and it may be indicated as an alternative solution for the treatment of staphylococcal osteomyelitis.


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Keywords:  Algerian propolis, Staphylococcus aureus, osteomyelitis, inhibition zone

Saturday 25 July 2020

Evaluation Capability of Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Genotypes under Salinity (NaCl) Stress as a Systematic Tolerance Assessment at Seed Germination and Early Growth Stage under Laboratory Conditions | Asian Journal of Research in Biosciences

Healthy seed germination is critical for the growth cycle of plants, and determines the establishment of seedlings and subsequent crop production. High salinity conditions can result in difficulty for seed germination and delays the germination period. Development of salinity tolerant genotypes through screening and selection is one important strategy to overcome this case. In the present study, the effects of salinity (0 mM NaCl (control= distilled water)), (50 mM NaCl (slight salt stress)) and (100, 150 and 200 mM NaCl (high salt stress)) had gradual and negative effects on seed water uptake and germination attributes. The results verified a remarkable variation for genetic materials ability under salinity conditions. Overall, among 14 wheat genotypes (Sids-12, Nielien and Weiber) genotypes were seemed to be relatively salt tolerance and (Gimeza-12, Diebera, Misr-1, Katela) genotypes were seemed to be moderately tolerant genotypes to salt stress, which were attributed to higher germination percentage, seedling length, seedling fresh and dry weight, tissue water content, vigor index and tolerance index. On the other hand, the genotypes (Shandaweil-1, Giza-168, Misr-2, Sids-1, Sanora, Gimez-7 and Sakha-94) were found to be moderately to strongly sensitive toward salt stress conditions. This systematic method is able to identify genetic variation in salinity tolerance in studies breeding material or in a large number of genotypes of wheat, and help to make account of differences with respect to salinity conditions.

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Keywords: Correlation, germination, salinity levels, seedling growth, wheat

Associations between ISSR Markers and Quantitative Traits in Bread Wheat Genotypes | Asian Journal of Research in Biosciences

Morphological traits and molecular markers analyses are very important tools for estimation of genetic variability among genotypes. In this study, we combined the phenotypic characterization with the inter-simple sequence repeats (ISSR) technique for the assessment of genetic diversity among 26 bread wheat genotypes. Out of 87 amplified bands 43 were polymorphic. The %P ranged from 25 to 76.92 with an average of 46.97%. The average number of polymorphic bands was 4.30 per primer. UBC-849 and UBC-833 primers which belonged to (GT) and (GA) repeats primer groups produced 62.50 and 76.92% level of polymorphism, respectively. It is clear that the highest polymorphism level was obtained in the case of di-nucleotide repeat primers. In this work the polymorphism information content (PIC) values varied from 0.04 (UBC-819) to 0.19 (UBC-834) with an average of 0.13. The Marker index (MI) values were from 0.12 (UBC-819) to 1.50 (UBC-833) with an average of 0.62. Two markers (UBC-811930bp and UBC-833600bp) were identified which may be linked to stem diameter and grain yield per plant traits, respectively.

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Keywords: Triticum aestivum L., molecular markers, grain yield, polymorphism

Friday 24 July 2020

On Elements of Evolution and Genetics in the Application of Genetic Algorithm to Optimization Mathematics | Asian Research Journal of Current Science

This work is a major review of the existing on evolution and genetics. It was started by discussing the Charles Darwin theory of evolution i.e. by exploring patterns of bones in vertebrates showing typical pentadactyl limbs, vestigial structures, sorology, parasitology etc. with special attention in man and his races. Following was the existence theory of genetics in the development of man. The introduction of chromosomes was used to strengthen this resulting in the development of character. The occasional occurrences of mutation in the chromosomes due to some factors were also discussed together with the idea of sex linkage. Later, at the end, the mathematics of genetic algorithm was applied in the work to see how selection chromosomes could influence artificial intelligence and neural network training mostly seen in the area of optimization mathematics.

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Keywords: Chromosomes, environment, evolution science, genetic behavior, mathematical genetic algorithm, mutation, variation

Animated Mathematical Model for Dimensional to Non- Dimensional Matter Using Bi-Section Method (Concept of Never-Ending Process) | Asian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics

The Concept of Never Ending is being modeled through the Bi-Section method depicting the popular cats and monkey story. The story is being modeled mathematically to explain the concept of never-ending process and to understand the reduction of two dimensions to one dimension, then one dimensional to non-dimensional, which cannot be further sub divided because the bread reduces to the form of a point. In this work it has been tried to explain the idea of animation by using series of drawings/images/patterns by applying the processes of kinematics and dynamic. To explain the model explicitly numerical calculation has been done and presented here, which qualifies this hypothesis.

The main objective of this research paper is try to show how two dimension is reduces to a one dimension and one dimension to point i.e. circle is reduces to a point by using a simple story based mathematical model, which easy to understand by non mathematical learner also. It also shows that how dimensional matter reduces to a non – dimensional quantity. Without this animated model such type of the mathematical result is not possible in such a simple manner. Animation can make mathematics more interesting and stimulating. It features a “hands on” exploratory and experimental learning tool, making mathematics more dynamic and meaningful.

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Keywords:  Animation, two cats & monkey, bi-section method, circular bread

Thursday 23 July 2020

Market Efficiency and Long-range Dependence: Evidence from the Tehran Stock Market | Asian Journal of Economics, Finance and Management

In an efficient market, the price process must follow a random walk, and price changes must be random. The presence of short and long-range dependence in the stock price process rejects the random walk and resulting in market inefficiency. The main objective of this paper is to examine the Tehran exchange market inefficiency attributableto the presence of long-range dependence in the market.To do so, we study the time-varying long-range dependence in the Tehran Stock Exchange log-return process using financial econometrics models. We provide clear statistical evidence that the mean log-return price process of the Tehran exchange market is a non-stationary process with short rang memory. Our finding indicates that shocks in the volatility of the Tehran stock market decay more slowly than an exponential decay. The results provide strong evidence in rejecting the random walk and the market efficiency hypotheses in the Tehran stock exchange market.

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Keywords: Long range dependence, market efficiency, Tehran stock exchange, financial econometrics

Diagnosis and Management of Primary Tracheobronchial Non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL): A Rare Case | Asian Journal of Medical Case Reports

Tracheobronchial Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma (NHL) is a rare tumor with very few cases reported in medical literature. These tumors typically present as endobronchial mass and/or mucosal infiltration together with lymphadenopathy. They are often misdiagnosed as asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Involvement of central airway can cause respiratory failure making treatment difficult, leading to poor prognosis. Histopathological examination is often necessary for definitive diagnosis. These tumors have been a topic of interest due to the challenge they pose to early diagnosis and management Here, we report a uncommon case of primary tracheobronchial NHL and complications encountered during management. This case illustrates that NHL should also be considered as a differential diagnosis in patient who present with central airway obstruction.

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Keywords: Tracheobronchial neoplasm, non-hodgkin lymphoma, central airway obstruction

Wednesday 22 July 2020

Factors Influencing the Use of Credit Cards Usage among Sri Lankan Working Adults | Asian Journal of Economics, Finance and Management

The usage of credit cards is becoming highly attached to peoples’ daily lifestyles and credit cards have a greater impact on busy peoples’ rapidly changing lifestyles. In Sri Lanka the usage is still low compared to other countries such as Korea, UK, US and Singapore. There is still capacity to increase the usage of credit cards and there must be factors which influence the usage of credit cards, thus, identifying factors which influence the credit card usage among Sri Lankan working adults are of greater extent. Therefore, this paper focuses on reviewing the literature focusing on the factors influencing the credit card usage which result in the intention to use credit cards. The paper examines the factors: Perceived Ease of Use, Perceived Usefulness, Age, Gender, Monthly Income, Personal Financial Knowledge, Personal Attitude and Educational Level. The factors were constructed in relation to the Technology Acceptance Model, the Theory of Planned Behavior and several other factors from the literature. The main research strategy used was the literature review with some attention given to practices based on Sri Lankan context. Paper discusses different scenarios guiding future research directions. Paper conclude research avenues by highlighting future research directions for the extended studies.

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Keywords: Credit card usage, influencing factors, technology acceptance model, of planned behaviour, Sri Lanka

Volatility Spillover of Exchange Rate on Stock Market Evidence from South Africa | Asian Journal of Economics, Finance and Management

The present study analyses the volatility spillover of exchange rate on South African Stock Market. The Capital market of South Africa has yardstick of African markets. The economic factors are crucially impacting the returns of stock of South Africa. The study collected data from Johannesburg Stock Exchange (JSE) website and Exchange rate from and used the monthly data available from May 2009 to May 2020. The paper employed the statistical tools such as descriptive statistics test, Augmented Dickey-Fuller test, Correlation, GRACH (Generalized Autoregressive Conditional Heteroskedasticity) model, Cointegration test and Granger Causality test. The major finding of this study described that changes in exchange rate were significant, and negative linkages influenced low on Johannesburg Stock Exchange (JSE). The presence of long run cointegration was the reason for the absence of causal effect during the study period. The study concluded that change or movement of exchange was negative and low and it would cause miniature impact on returns of Johannesburg Stock Exchange (JSE). The investors’ community should consider the movement of economic factor such as exchange rate for the long term which would agree concretely to go for the investment decision in African Capital Market. The policymaker could become more supportive to exports and export companies which bring stationary in stock market. 

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Keywords: Macroeconomic, foreign exchange, financial market, investment, capital market

Tuesday 21 July 2020

Effects of Aleppo Pine (Pinus halepensis Mill) Plantation on Plant Biodiversity in the High Plains of Saïda (Algeria) | Asian Journal of Research in Biosciences

The effect of the monoculture of Aleppo Pine in the high plains of Saïda on biodiversity, richness and rate of endemic flora is the subject of our study. For this purpose, 30 floristic surveys were carried out to evaluate the biodiversity indices inside and outside the wooded sites. Vegetation analysis using the TWINSPAN method resulted in two groups of ecological species; the similarity study showed a clear separation between the groups, the overall value of ANOSIM-R was 0.99 (P <.001). The average species richness and the Shanoon index are 2.063, 2.23 higher in non-wooded sites than in wooded sites respectively. The results of the survey indicated the presence of 98 plant species. Among them, 14 species are classified as threatened, endemic or rare. A total of 27 species has been eliminated by reforestation, of which 11 are classified as threatened, endemic or rare. It is therefore recommended that biodiversity should be taken into account in afforestation operations in order to maintain natural habitats and minimize the loss of native species.

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Keywords: Aleppo pine, reforestation, plant biodiversity, Saïda

Monday 20 July 2020


Assessment of nutritional status in pediatric populations is useful to estimate growth patterns and identify signs and symptoms associated with malnutrition or excessive nutritional intake. The present study was aimed at assessing the nutritional status of Hausa infants between 2 to 5 years of age attending Nursery Schools in Zaria Local Government Area of Kaduna State Nigeria, using some anthropometric parameters. Anthropometric measurements were taken from four hundred infants in both Private and Public Nursery Schools in Zaria LGA, comprising of 208 males and 192 females. Demographic data from the subjects were collected in a questionnaire while standing heights and weights were taken in centimeters using a Stadiometer and weighing balance in kilogram. Chest, waist and mid-upper arm (MUAC) circumferences were taken in centimeters and body mass index was calculated from the weights and heights. The result showed mean values for age, weight, height, MUAC, waist and chest circumferences, and BMI of the subjects in both Public and Private School Children were 3.63±0.78 years; 16.82±3.03 kg; 106.19±8.01cm; 15.56±1.03 cm; 53.14±3.55 cm; 54.31±2.90 cm; 14.90±1.93 kg/ m2 respectively. The results showed that at age of 2 years 4 females and 7 males were malnourished, 8 females and 1 male were normal in both Private and Public Schools respectively. At age 3 years, 4 females and 8 males were at risk of overweight, 6 females and 4 males were overweight in both Public and Private Schools respectively. It can be concluded that the prevalence of overweight and obesity was common among Male children in both Public and Private Schools in Zaria LGA of Kaduna State.

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Keywords: Nutritional status, anthropometric variables, infants, Hausa, assessment, Nigeria

Impact of Personal Remittances Received on Economic Growth in the Gambia |  Asian Basic and Applied Research Journal

This paper adopt the error correction model technique (VECM) to establish the long run and short run relationship between personal received and economic growth in the Gambia during the period 2003 to 2017. In testing for the unit root test properties of time series data, all variables are found to be stationary at first differencing level under the Augmented Dickey Fuller test (ADF). The results of VECM demonstrate the existence of a positive and significant relationship between personal remittances received and economic growth both in the long run and short run. Personal remittances received act as a great source of foreign exchange currency and also help in reducing the level of poverty in the developing countries. Total exports have a positive and significant impact on economic growth in the long run but not in the short run. Total imports have a negative and significant impact on economic growth in the long run but in short run. We recommend that the government should encourage the people who received remittances to invest their money in business and also agriculture especially in poultry and agro base processing. It is also recommended that the government should create more employment opportunities to minimize the number of our able young men and women migrating to overseas in search for a better living standard.

Keywords: VECM, remittances, survey, economic growth, migration

Friday 10 July 2020

On Analysis of the Banach’s Fixed Point Iterative Process Using the Simplex Method of Optimization in the Samsung Manufacturing Company Marketing Profit Problem Solution | Asian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics,

This research aims at generating the topological fixed point iterative scheme for the simplex method of linear programming problem in optimization as exemplified in the optimization of the Samsung manufacturing company marketing profit problem solution displayed in the latter part of section two. Review of basic concepts were discussed in the early part of section two while the model was fully treated in the latter part of section two. Main results concerning the iterative scheme evolved in our discursion in section three.

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Retinal microaneurysms(MA) are the earliest clinical sign of diabetic retinopathy (DR) disease. DR is diagnosed by inspecting fundus images. Early detection of DR protects patients from losing their vision. In this paper an automatic method for detection of MA is proposed. This system utilizes preprocessing of retinal image to correct for non- uniform illumination and enhance contrast in the area of interest. The detection of MAs using Local Convergence index Features (LCF) and Hybrid kernel Support Vector Machine (HKSVM) classifier tells the probability of being actual MAs. The intensity based features and shape based features are extracted and combined using ensemble classifier positives will be reduced during the classification phase. The MA candidates are extracted and classified using HKSVM Classifier. The proposed method has been evaluated by public databases: Retinopathy Online Challenge (ROC) and e-optha. The efficiency and effectiveness of the method processed has been demonstrated by experimental results and thus proving its potential as a diagnostic tool for DR.

Does Social Networking Enhance the Performance of Women Entrepreneurs in Nigeria? | Asian Journal of Economics, Finance and Management

  The study is aimed at determining the impact of social networks on the performance of women entrepreneurs in Nigeria. A sample of 348 wome...